Update: The Senzo Meyiwa murder case takes an unexpected twist.

Update: The Senzo Meyiwa murder case takes an unexpected twist.

Update: The Senzo Meyiwa murder case takes an unexpected twist.
Update: The Senzo Meyiwa murder case takes an unexpected twist.

The Senzo Meyiwa kill case has taken a shocking turn with the later disclosure that vocalist Kelly Khumalo’s phone experienced a production line reset fair hours after the football star’s deadly shooting. This detail, displayed amid the trial at the Pretoria Tall Court, has raised genuine questions and started broad open intrigued in the case once again.


State prosecutor Advocate Mshololo displayed prove appearing that Khumalo’s phone was reset at 1:31:38 am on October 27, 2014, simple hours after Meyiwa was shot at Khumalo’s Vosloorus domestic. This activity, which viably eradicated all information from the gadget, counting call logs, content messages, and media records, has fueled theory approximately whether it was an endeavor to conceal significant data related to the murder.


Digital forensics master Dr. Thabo Molefe affirmed the suggestions of such a reset in court, clarifying that it is irreversible and would kill all follows of action from that basic period. The defense groups speaking to the five men denounced of Meyiwa’s kill have been speedy to contend that this may propose an endeavor to discourage equity, indicating to the suspicious timing of the reset as a potential cover-up by Khumalo.


Lead defense guide Advocate Teffo emphasized the gravity of this modern prove, expressing that it casts critical question on Khumalo’s past articulations. Be that as it may, the arraignment has encouraged caution, caution against drawing untimely conclusions. Advocate Mshololo recognized the reset’s timing as suspicious but proposed there may be other, non-nefarious reasons for it.


The court’s reaction to this disclosure has been blended. Legitimate specialists have weighed in on the conceivable suggestions, with a few contending that whereas the reset raises ruddy banners, it does not constitute confirmation of blame on its possess. The broader setting of the prove must be considered, and the court must stay objective in its deliberations.



As the trial proceeds, the public’s intrigued has been reignited, with social media buzzing over the most recent advancements. The hashtag #SenzoMeyiwaTrial has been trending, as individuals over the country guess on what this modern prove might cruel for the case.




Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela has emphasized the require for a careful and fair-minded examination into all angles of the case. With the country closely observing, the address remains whether this stunning disclosure will bring the case closer to a determination or include however another layer of complexity to an as of now complicated examination.